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In the last decade several events took place, which developed the critical load approach in the US (e.g. Riverside, CA 2002, WESTSTAR Council, Denver, CO 2005). The meetings developed a close link between US and German scientists. Based on this scientific cooperation the ECO-DATA presence was founded in 2007, located in Aurora, CO. Today the ECO-DATA staff in Aurora and Berlin have jointly created an extensive knowledge in many environmental issues. 

OEKO-DATA Berlin, Germany
The period of German reunification saw the consolidation of several project groups in the environmental and land-use sciences. OEKO-DATA was one result of this trend. We are a young and dynamic new company with our main office in Berlin / Brandenburg and branches in several federal states. Building on years of environmental experience, our project teams practice the analysis and interpretation of environmental data. We are assisted in this task through the application of geographic information systems. The results of our work prove our ability to perform. Our partners and clients appreciate that we are a team of highly-specialised, performance-motivated colleagues with state-of-the-art equipment. With an eye for solving planning issues of varying complexity, we stand ready to assist our clients and our partners whether they be representatives of federal, state, or local governments or members of the commercial or scientific communities.

At the OEKO-DATA’s homepage also you will find information and data regarding the German National Focal Centre (NFC) concerning the work under the UNECE Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution (LRTAP) as well as data and models for the calculation of Critical Loads and effects of Climate Change.


ECO-DATA LLC 19423 E. Arkansas Avenue, Aurora, CO 80017